
Is that an icicle in your pants?

Man, it's freaking COLD here!   Thank god my internal organs are protected by this newly acquired layer of Grinch fat, or I don't know what I'd do.  It's another good day to stay inside but I have some errands to run, which means I get to try out my new boots! Um, yeah, I know - wearing a new pair of boots isn't particulary exciting in the big picture, but... new boots!  (Little secret:  I'm wearing them right now.  Inside!  As I type!  Cuz they're new.)  And really, who doesn't get a secret thrill when someone says, "Hey, are those new boots you're wearing?"?  I know I do.

It's snowing again.  (Albino brain chiggers!  Cover your ears!)  It's like God is saying, "Scott.  Dude.  Get your damned skis!"  Makes me wonder if I should get those skis I've been thinking about.  And I know the ladies in town are anxiously waiting to see me in my skinny spandex ski pants.  I hear you, ladies... I hear you.

I suppose I should get going.  


michaelg said...

I hope you're wearing lots of green now that you've got your winter Grinch fat on.
Since when does a casual skier wear spandex ski pants? What ever happened to knickers and knee high wool socks. That is sexy too. Though I suppose the sexy skinny spandex ski pants are a form of direct advertising for the ladies. But in the cold?

Scott J. said...

I'm pretty sure I'll look ridiculous no matter what I wear. Though I think a hot potato might help with the cold factor. Sure it's creepy - but at least I'll be warm.

suzieQ said...

Hey Scott,
I understand your "new boot" fixation, although I have a different boot issue. Don't the people who design snow boots tuck their pantlegs into the boots? Do they leave them scrunched up around their knees? I want a new pair of boots, but I'm having great difficulty finding ones that I can fit my calves AND my pant legs into. I feel a blog post coming on so I may finish my rant there.

michaelg said...

Choose your potato wisely, Grasshopper.

Scott J. said...

See, I would think that if I tucked my jeans into my boots people would think it was girly.

Y'know, you get to be our age and you just don't know how to dress anymore. Is it any wonder the kids point and laugh at me? Damn kids...

Mnmom said...

I love new boots, and I've been coveting the ones I see in catalogs. They call to me.

Scott J. said...

Release your inner Palin, M! I hear squirrel fur is pretty soft. Then you'd have the cutest homemade boots in town. And the thrill of field dressing a squirrel, which has got to be... something.