
You gotta face the Facebook

Well, my nieces and nephews are probably quite dismayed that I found them on the Facebook. (If you're reading this, kids, I'm not a dork. Our generation likes to add "the" to stuff like Facebook and Google, because... well, we're dorks, I guess.) There are probably some classmates out there who are equally dismayed.

On the other hand, now they know I'm on the Facebook, too. Didn't think that one through very carefully, did I?


michaelg said...

I tried the Facebook, but just don't get it. Or maybe it was the MySpace. In any case, I got all kinds of friends requests from half naked ladies. Eeeew for me.

Anonymous said...

It's not my favorite app but I was surprised to see so many Vikings using it. I'm hoping it will make the Reunion planning a little easier.

Naked ladies? On the internets? That's unpossible!

michaelg said...

You've faced the facebook, but now you need to get your butt back here and blog a little, man.