
Not with a bang, but with a whisper

And, so, with little to no fanfare, I start another blog. You'd think I'd get tired of jumping in to bump elbows with the rest of the blogosphere but I'm apparently some kind of glutton for obscurity. Surprisingly, to me anyway, several of my classmates have blogs and we've been making the rounds, visiting each other via the web and, in some cases, reconnecting after quite some time apart. Huzzah!

Local blogging is a bit weird to me, so we'll see how this goes. (Hey, I'm not paranoid, I'm just afraid people are watching me and plotting against me.)

So, to begin, here's a "Hi-diddly-doo, neighborino!" to my friends Michael, Ruth, Brenda, Suzie, Mindy, Margaret, Ben and whomever else I come across from our old school.


brenda k said...

Hello Hello! Good song - very thought provoking. I feel like I should shut off the lights and find a lighter. But, since I don't smoke, I'm afraid all I have is one of those clickers you use to start candles - I must engage my first finger for the flame on that however - unlike the lighter - where the thumb bears the brunt of the load.

I drove by your house the other day...somebody was standing in the yard - but it wasn't you so I kept driving. He was on his phone and looked like he was trying to write some stuff down on a little piece of paper. When he saw me - he kind just started walking down the street....PRobably nothing....meter reader maybe.....hard to say...

michaelg said...

Welcome! Are you giving up the zen cabin?

I love the audience shots in this video clip. None of them really seem to know the words. Cool.

Anonymous said...

Which house, B? My old house?

Michael, I'm keeping the cabin but thought I'd start a down home blog to talk about townie stuff, where the national riff raff wouldn't bother me. There are some freaky people out there, lemme tell ya.

Mnmom said...

Still love my home town, although I'd probably go completely insane or start drinking heavily if I lived there. I love my new home town too.

Anonymous said...

It's just as strange as it ever was, M. And then some!