
It's like a weekend, without all that pesky free time

Oh, Saturday mornings - how I miss our quiet time together, drinking coffee and wondering what the busy people are doing.

Y'know, if it's going to snow, why doesn't it snow? This quarter inch of stuff on the ground is a real pain in the ass. Sure, I need the exercise, but come on... It's a perfectly good day to stay inside with a few pots of coffee and the internets, but now I have to go outside and "shovel".

I need to go over to Mom J's house this morning. She's not doing too well after the stroke - wait, scratch that. She's doing pretty well for an 88 year old woman who's had a stroke, but it's a rather scary situation, all in all. I'm completely out of my sphere of experience with it all, too.

Then it's off to the PT job, tonight. I can't complain, I guess - it's not really "work", in the strictest sense - but still, it would be nice to have a weekend to myself. I don't know what I'd do if I couldn't whine.

More, later, if anything exciting pops into my head.


Mnmom said...

Weekends - coffee - a holy partnership. Hope your Mom is doing well. This sounds horrible, but having lost my Mom young, I don't have to see her suffer a stroke or dementia, or some other equally horrid result of aging. But she sure deserved at least a FEW more years.

Anonymous said...

It's tough. She's told me more than once that she's ready to let go and be done with it.

Your mom should have stayed with us longer. She had plenty to teach us all, that's for sure.

michaelg said...

You never told me your mother had a stroke. My goodness. I hope she's hanging in okay. Sad though when she says she's ready to go. She must miss your dad terribly, or hate Decorah, or some combination.