
Happy Festivus!

I know you're probably thinking, "Hey, Scott - how can I be joyful when Dick Cheney still walks the Earth?" Well, truthfully, you got me on that one, but sometimes it's just a matter of will power. Or a national commitment to victory, if you will.

But Festivus is here, once again. So, gather your loved ones and air your grievances; raise the aluminum pole; revel in the feats of strength. Really, it's a shame we have to wait for Festivus to enjoy those things.

It's a gorgeous day and I should probably get out there and do some Festivus shopping. (read: buy some clothes so I can put the laundry off for one more day.) One advantage of small town America is that you don't have to fight the crowds at the malls. God I hate the crowds at the malls. I suppose Wingnut-Mart is just a small town version of the mall, but I don't go there very often, which helps me maintain my small town innocence and real American values.

Anyhoo - enjoy the holidays! If you're in D-town, look me up and we'll grab a beer or some nog of some kind.

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