
T minus 3

Well, T is back on US soil, as of last night. She'll probably be here Thursday, which means I have quite a few little chores to finish off in a few short days. Cleaning, shopping, laundry, more cleaning...

I would have accomplished more this weekend, but I'm taking care of my buddy's puppy and that's practically a full time job in itself. After a while, I thought, "Hell, why bother while she's still here?", so there's still a hefty list to take care of before T's arrival. (Housekeeping note: Black dogs and white sheets are not a spectacular combination.) As of this writing, there haven't been any shoe casualties, though not for her lack of trying, so keep your fingers crossed until my buddy comes to pick her up.

On a sad note, I lost my little tray of herbs yesterday. I'd put them out on the upper deck to get some sunshine and the wind apparently flipped up the rug they were sitting on and spilled most of the dirt out of the tray. Or there's an herbist in the neighborhood, taking out his anger on innocent seedlings.

On a potentially happier note, there's one tiny shoot left on my eggplant, so there may be hope. One of the peppers is sprouting flowers already and the tomatoes seem to be growing, which is a good sign.

I'd better run to put Widget's blankets in the dryer. See how I spoil the ladies?

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